The 42nd BImSchV. has taken legal effect: There have been new obligations for all operators of evaporative cooling systems and wet separators since August 19, 2017.

The Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Construction and Nuclear Safety (BMUB) published the 42nd Ordinance on Evaporative Cooling Systems and Wet Separators (42nd BImSchV.) in the Federal Gazette. It has taken legal effect on August 19, 2017 and contains numerous new obligations and standards for plant operators. The ordinance is based on VDI 2047, part 2. However, as a legal regulation, it is not just a directive. It must be implemented and documented. This concerns more than 100,000 plants.

General information about the 42nd BImSchV.
  • the ordinance has taken legal effect for all operators of evaporative cooling systems and wet separators since August 19, 2017.
  • recooling systems must be installed and operated in such a way that a contami nation of the service water by micro-organisms is avoided to the maximum.
  • by September 16, 2017, all plant operators must have carried out a Legionell test.
  • all existing plants must be reported to the authorities by August 19, 2018. New plants must be reported by the operator no later than one month after the initial filling.
  • the register requires information on the location of the plant and its operator.
  • inquiries concerning the competent authorities can be directed to the local dis trict administration office (in Germany).
These are your legal obligations:
  • preparation of risk assessments, including action plans if limit values are exceeded, even before the plant is commissioned by staff members with hygiene expertise
  • keeping an operating log and documentation of samples taken
  • regular laboratory tests of the service water with corresponding evidence
  • establishment of reference values for germ contamination
  • inspection of the plant every 5 years by experts or accredited inspection bodie
What you need to do now!
  • Legionella sampling of additional and service water by an accredited laboratory by September 19, 2017 (from then on every 3 months)
  • staff training according to VDI 2047-2 or VDI 6022 (for external companies, too)
  • preparation of risk assessments consisting of risk analyses and risk evaluations
  • determination of the reference value for general bacterial counts
  • creating and keeping an operating log (manual / digital)
  • creating operating instructions in accordance to the Ordinance on Biological Substances
We can help you implement all this
  • carrying out an initial inspection of your cooling tower or evaporative cooling system
  • annual maintenance
  • renovation of cooling towers (e.g. replacement of built-in parts, blinds, etc.)
  • operating logbook (plant logbook) according to VDI 2047-2 regulations
  • We can also supply you with the necessary dosing agents (e.g. b
Why protection against Legionella is so important

Whether in water pipes, air conditioning systems or swimming pools, Legionella lurks wherever warm water is stored. Just a few of these bacteria can be enough to cause severe pneumonia. The Robert Koch Institute estimates the number of cases in Germany at approx. 6,000 to 10,000 per year. The projection of CAPNETZ (Competence Ambulant Acquired Pneumonia) even assumes 15,000 to 30,000 non-hospital acquired pneumonia cases per year. This means that 4% of pneumonia cases in Germany that were not acquired in hospitals can be traced back to a Legionella infection. Mortality is estimated at up to 10%. So this means approx. 3,000 deaths per year. This corresponds approximately to the number of traffic fatalities per year in Germany.

The danger lurks practically everywhere

Water is used for cooling in many technical processes, e.g. in data centers or in food production. It is estimated that there are about 50,000 evaporation cooling plants used for this purpose in Germany. They carry the risk of becoming the source of Legionella infections. For the circulating water has an optimal temperature for the reproduction of these bacteria and offers a rich supply of food due to its contact with the atmosphere. The dangers and harmful effects of Legionella are described in the guideline VDI 2047.